Bible Studies
Storacles Of Prophecy
- File Count:
- 24
Daniel and Revelation Series; 23 Lectures
- File Count:
- 23
State of the Dead by LeRoy Jackson
- File Count:
- 1
The Sanctuary: Type - Antitype
- File Count:
- 2
Amazing Facts: Kids Bible Guides
- File Count:
- 10
- File Count:
- 24
Bible Studys
- File Count:
- 30
Faith of Desmond Doss (MOH) Bible Study Course
- File Count:
- 12
Beneath the Surface Bible Lesson Series 2017
- File Count:
- 19
Estudios Bíblicos Españoles: Verdad Sorprendente
- File Count:
- 16
The Two Builders:Lesson 20, Secrets Unsealed
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- 2 MB
One of the great parables of Jesus is that of the men who built their houses upon the rock and upon the sand. I vividly remember going through the primary division of Sabbath School and singing at the top of my lungs about the house of the foolish man which came tumbling down! But oddly enough, I don't remember ever hearing about what the parable means. In this lesson we will attempt to decode its important meaning for God's people in these last days.
The Lamb of God hidden in the ancient Chinese Characters: By Kui Shin Voo & Larry Hovee
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The Chinese invented the ancient Chinese characters nearly 4500 years ago. They invented the characters independent of the ancient Sumerian and Egyptian writings. The earliest forms of the characters, ‘wen’ ( ), were pictures of objects and symbols. The ancient Chinese combined the ‘wen’ to make up compound characters ( ) in order to express complex ideas. Analysis of these two forms of the ancient Chinese characters that are associated with the sheep suggests that the Chinese recognized the spiritual representation of the sheep as the source of truthfulness, kindness, beauty, righteousness and eternity.
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The signs of Jesus' coming are all around us war, famine, pestilence, hearts failing men for fear of the unknown. The air is full of ominous foreboding . Which way do we turn , where do we go? One person tells us this , another that. Believe this way, or that theory or theological stand . Again , which way do we turn? Then somewhere in the background we hear a small voice, we see a faint Light- "To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20. The final test on this earth for mankind, will be obedient and loyal to God by keeping His Holy day. That He set aside (sanctified and hollowed it), The Seventh-Day Sabbath . Have you ever ask yourself the question. Why is the 4th commandment, dealing with His Sabbath. The very 1st word God utters is what? REMEMBER.... Did He knew mankind would someday forget it?
What is the Significance of Thirty Pieces of Silver in the Bible?
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- 70 KB
In Hebrew culture, thirty pieces of silver was not a lot of money. In fact, it was the exact price paid to the master of a slave if and when his slave was gored by an ox (see Exodus 21:32). The slave’s death was compensated by the thirty pieces of silver. There are two other places in the Bible that specifically mention the amount of thirty pieces of silver, and they are directly linked.
The Five Solas - Points from the Past that Should Matter to Each One of Us
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- 189 KB
The Five Solas are: 1.Sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”): The Bible alone is our highest authority. 2.Sola Fide (“faith alone”): We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ. 3.Sola Gratia (“grace alone”): We are saved by the grace of God alone. 4.Solus Christus (“Christ alone”): Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Savior, and King. 5.Soli Deo Gloria (“to the glory of God alone”): We live for the glory of God alone.
Roman Catholic Church Quotes (Sunday Law)
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- 155 KB
A quote by John Adams, “I have long been decided in opinion that a free government and the Roman Catholick religion can never exist together in any nation or Country. Liberty and Popery cannot live together". A Lafayette Quote:"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country - the United States - are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars in Europe". A Lincoln quote:“I see a very dark cloud on America’s horizon, and that dark cloud is coming from Rome".