Survivals of Roman Religion; By G J Laing, - 1963
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"Our observance of Sunday as the Lord's Day is apparently derived from Mithraism. The argument that has sometimes been used against this claim, namely, that Sunday was chosen because of the resurrection on that day, is not well supported." Gordon J. Laing, Survivals of Roman Religion, p. 148.
The Westminster Bible Dictionary: Lord's Day; By T J Shepherd, - 1880
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The weekly festival of our Lords Resurrection.
Christian Baptism with its Antecedents and Consequents; By A. Campbell 1853.
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Relics of Popery: A Campbell ("Baptism," p.15), speaking of the Protestant sects, says:"All of them retain in their bosom" in their ecclesiastical organizations, worship, doctrines, and observances ”various relics if popery. They are at best a reformation of popery, and only reformations in part. The doctrines and traditions of men yet impair the power and progress of the gospel their hands.
The Lord's Day Alliance of the United States
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The Lord's Day Alliance believes that the Lord's Day is the weekly festival of Christ's resurrection from the grave. During the spring and summer of 1888 a movement from the Foundry Methodist Church in Washington, D.C., was started to form a national Sabbath (Sunday) organization. They have been behind many of the Sunday Law Movements.
A Critical History of Sunday Legislation; By A. H Lewis, - 1888
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Infringement of Natural Rights.
A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities: Lord's Day; By W Smith & S Cheetham, - 1880
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"Day of the Lord" "But the undoubted fact of this [Sunday] observance by no means involves the inference often drawn from it, that the keeping of the [Sunday] Lord's day must be traced to an apostolic decree, transferring to it, directly or by implication, the sanctity of the Sabbath, which was familiar to the early Christians, as being themselves Jews, or having been converted under Jewish influence. It is almost needless to say that of such a decree we have no evidence whatever, either in Holy Scripture or in church history." "Alfred Barry (Anglican), Art. "Lord's Day" in "Dictionary of the Christian Antiquities" (edited by William Smith and Samuel Cheetham), Vol. 2, p. 1043, col. 1. (John Murray, London: 1880)
The Outline of History; By H G Wells Vol. 1
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H. G. Wells, in his Outline of History: "During this indefinite time a consideralle amount of a sort of theocrasia seems to have gone on between the Christian cult and the almost equally popular and widely diffused Mithraic cult, and the cult of Serapis-Isis-Horus. From the former it would seem the Christians adopted Sun-day as their chief day of worship instead of the Jewish Sabbath." “ The Outline of History, New and Revised, by H. G. Wells. P. 543, P.431.
The Americana Sunday: A Universal Reference Library; By F.C. Beach, - 1904.
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Christian Weekly Festival.
. Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: Sunday; - 1837
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Memory of our Savior's Resurrection.
Sunday-Law Placard; Sabbath Reform Library, Vol. I, No.5, Jan. 16, - Wilber F. Crafts, - 1890
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[To be hung on the breast of everyone who buys postage stamps, provisions. cigars, clothing, or what not, on the Sabbath.]