State of the Dead English 24 minutes and 14 seconds What does the Bible say about where my loved ones are now? Produced by LeRoy Jackson

Estado da Morte Portuguese - 45 minutos O que a Bíblia diz sobre aonde estão os meus familiares agora? Produzido por LeRoy Jackson

Will Christ's Coming be a Secret? What does History tell us? What does the Bible tell us? English, 1hour and 1 minute Produced by LeRoy Jackson

Studying The Word Of God English, 24 minutes and 12 seconds Produced by LeRoy Jackson

Estudando A Palavra de Deus Portuguese, 33 minutos y 57 segundos Produzido por LeRoy Jackson

Who is the Antichrist? Why is it that most of the preachers today can't tell you who it is? Let's review the testimonies of the Reformers. And what does She proclaim? Part 1; English, 45 minutes and 55 seconds Produced by LeRoy Jackson |

Who is the Antichrist? Why is it that most of the preachers today can't tell you who it is? Let's review the testimonies of the Reformers. And what does She proclaim? Part Two; English, 44 minutes and 12 seconds Produced by LeRoy Jackson |

Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus Christ English, 52 minutes and 4 seconds Produced by LeRoy Jackson |

AS PROFECIAS MESSIANICAS SE COMPLETAM EM JESUS CRISTO; PART UM Spanish, 45 minutos y 10 secgundos Produzido por LeRoy Jackson |

AS PROFECIAS MESSIANICAS SE COMPLETAM EM JESUS CRISTO; SEGUNDA PARTE Spanish 44 minutos y 23 secgundos Produzido por LeRoy Jackson |